Gilbert Amelio

 "Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective

leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a

sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader can't get a message across

clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn't even


Gilbert Amelio, former President and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp

I think what it means is that if you don’t actually know how to converse properly, having something to say is just pointless. It is because whenever you open your mouth, no one seems to understand what do you want or what do you mean by saying all those things. You need to learn to engage, grab the audience’s attention and direct it to a specific matter to effectively get the message across.

That being said, even getting the attention but in a negative way also is just as good as not getting their attention. You may have a pure intention and that maybe you want others to improve but if the way you execute it, i.e., to say the words you use and the intonation you used are wrong, people will get angry for no apparent reason just because you don’t know how to ultimately communicate properly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks, Ree. Here you address "you," but Amelio is talking specifically about leaders, right?


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